Wednesday, November 5, 2014

What Does It Mean To Be An American?

            What does it mean to me to be an American? To me, being an American is about being free and loyal. It is about having freedom of religion, rights, and most of all, justice. Being an American is also about being your own self. It means that we are all being treated equally, no matter what race or background you are. And it does not matter what culture you are from. This all comes from our Bill of Rights, our laws.
            Being an American is not about going to baseball games, eating hotdogs, and burgers. No it is to live your life out to the fullest. You do not need to be wandering about with a flag in your hand waving it around to be an American. It means to help another, to capture a piece of every form. It is to be united as one, being able to depend and rely on each other. This does not mean you have got to live in America. Everyone has a part of “being an American” way deep inside them. My parents are from Mexico and they have been in the US longer than in Mexico and to me, they are definitely considered Americans.
            We are able to speak our minds, attend whatever church. You decide to walk into, that is according to what you believe in. If you do not attend a church, then so what? Let it be.  You are still able to celebrate a holiday that you want to celebrate. It means that you are a slave to no one. Live life your own way because you are free. You have the freedom to be your own individual. Everyone is different and everyone has their own way of doing things. You should not follow others. It is about being a leader, your own leader.
         I consider myself an American, I was born here. But just because I was born here it does not really mean anything. Like I have said already my parents are too, Americans. I’ve been living in the US for 16 full years. My mom has been here since she was 18. So basically she has been here longer than she was in Mexico. Same thing with my dad, except he has lived here longer. 

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