Sunday, November 2, 2014


                    Recently, my older brother went off to Navy Bootcamp, he will be back soon though since he needs to fix something about his ear, which they couldn’t fix over in Great Lakes. My younger sister is in elementary, and then there is me. My name is Katrina D'metri, I’m 16 and I have been living in Los Angeles basically all my life. I have three pets. Two golden retrievers and a white-domestic -short haired cat. Her name is Aimee.

                 The way I would describe myself is extremely shy. I tend to keep a lot of things to myself... most of the time. I love to write out my thoughts, and sometimes just because. I really try to keep myself organized and on task. I get fed up and irritated so easily, but I just try not to show it. Although people say I always look mad, most of the time it’s true! I love the smell of bleach and I love sushi, maybe not all types, but most. I live with both my parents, who always ask me what my plans are after high-school, it’s kind of hard for me to figure out what I want to go. Maybe I’ll be a vet or maybe I’ll be a CEO or maybe I’ll never make up my mind. Who knows? I’m unsure of my plans. But as of now my plan is to graduate and walk stage with my diploma.
                 I love Halloween time and when it rains. Horror films are my favorite and I have a little obsession with cats, buying candles, and lipstick. Most of the time I end up using 1 out of the many lipsticks I have. My parents are both from New York and have been married for 23 years or more. I’m not sure, but they’ve been together for quite some time. No, I am not in any sport. I mean I’d love to but I can barely keep up with school and stuff at home. I think if I were to go to Vielo High School I probably would have joined the swim team, just like my older brother did. I attended Jameson Irish W. Elementary from Pre-K to 5th and for middle school I attended Claw MS. And here I am now at Newport High School. I am a junior, finally I’ve only got a little less than 2 years till I get to graduate.

                On my free time I like to hang out with friends but most of the time I stay home and listen to music and draw whatever comes to my mind. Soon, I’m thinking of customizing phone cases or something with prints of my sketches. I’m not sure, I’m not sure about a lot of things. Groups like Rosie and the Originals are my favorite and I also enjoy heavy music like Black Sabbath or beach goth groups like The Growlers. I like Mozart and stuff like that too. I think it sounds beautiful.

               I have a significant other who I’ve been with for 1 year and 9 months, he’s in a band. I’m slowly learning how to play guitar- you know... it’s quite fun learning new things. In the 7th grade I learned how to play the flute. And I learned how to play the theme song to "Pirates of the Caribbean". I enjoyed learning, but sadly I stopped and I forgot how to even hold it. Sun flowers and dark colors are the best. I used to have my nose pierced, my smiley, my tongue web and my lip pierced (not all at the same time, oh no, no). But I took them all out and all I have now are my ears and cartilage pierced. I don’t have any tattoos just like every other teen today, but I am thinking about a few for the future. Well I guess that’s all I have to share about myself. Thanks for your time.

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